Water molecules ionise endothermically due to electric field fluctuations caused by nearby dipole librations resulting from thermal effects; a process that is facilitated by exciting the O-H stretch overtone vibration. Water is universal solvent because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. Water is the chemical substance with the chemical formula H
2O: one molecule of water is composed of two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen atom. The fact that a person should consume eight glasses of water per day cannot be traced back to a scientific source. Water is a public and social good.

International tourism is the world's fastest growing industry. It is putting huge pressure on springs, rivers, and aquifers (over-drilled). Private water schemes are more susceptible to coliform contamination than public schemes. Chemicals from the plastic bottle are leached into water. Orthomolecularism involves every organs of the body. Water as an orthomolecule is made of many types of molecules, at least two different species of water exist, differing from one another in having either parallel or anti-parallel nuclear spin of the hydrogen atoms. There are at least 18 different water isotopes, each have different physical and chemical properties. Water is self-ionising, which results in a wide variety of ions with different physical and chemical properties. The water molecule has a dipolar electrostatic moment, i.e., each of the bonded hydrogen atoms can form additional hydrogen bonds with a lone pair of electrons on an adjacent water molecule; and each of the lone pairs of electrons can form similar hydrogen bonds with the bonded protons on a neighbouring water molecule.

Water consists of two magnetic species. The para species has a parallel magnetic nuclear spin and a magnetic momentum of one, the ortho species has an anti-parallel nonmagnetic nuclear spin and a magnetic momentum of zero. Intermolecular bonding of ice molecules is due to the extremely intense bonding between the oxygen atom and its two hydrogen atoms. When vapour condenses or water freezes, there is a net transfer of mass (and all of that mass's energies) from the less organised phase to the more highly organised phase. Water structures are composed of whole molecules, not molecular fractions; and are primarily linked by hydrogen bonding, not by covalent bonding. The growth of water structures requires no catalyst, enhanced bonding. The limiting factor to structured growth in liquid water is the thermal agitation of the molecules, i.e., bonding limitations. In the water molecule, stability is a relative concept. Ionisation encourages the formation of multimolecular structures and clusters, since the electrostatic force of the ionisation potential is added to the electrostatic element of the hydrogen bond. Hydrogen bonds formed between ions and unionised water molecules are often twice as strong as those are between unionised molecules.

The sea is a useful source of raw materials, e.g., sea salt. The aqueous environment is heterogeneous with more than one type of environment present and with the relative majority of these environments changing with temperature, pressure, solutes and surfaces. Sodium bicarbonate precipitate insoluble calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate of hard water, which is a way of removing permanent hardness from water. Hard water testes better and may reduce cardiac illnesses. Hard water provides useful calcium ions for the healthy growth of bones and teeth. The disadvantages of hard water include:
1- Lime scale furring of kettles and pipes as the insoluble carbonate is formed during heating water with temporary hardness. The lime scale building up on the inside of the pipe restricts the flow of water or cause a blockage, e.g., industry where hot water is used or in domestic heating systems.
2- Soap is wasted, as only soap in hard water forms a scum from reacting with the calcium or magnesium compounds in the water.

Biological molecules are based upon carbon skeleton and polar and nonpolar side chain groups. Water is the solvent in which biological molecules are dissolved. Water is a diamagnetic substance. Intracellular molecules are not evenly distributed; they are randomly distributed over both space and time. This means that the number of molecules per cell will vary from cell to cell at a given instant of time, and from time to time within a given cell. Individual molecules vary from one another, including variations in location, speed, direction of movement, momentum, kinetic energy, distance travelled since the last collision, time since the last collision, etc. Cell swelling leads to the activation of potassium (K+) channels and anion channels. Cell shrinkage activates the degradation of proteins to amino acids and of glycogen to glucosephosphate and their metabolites. Cells suddenly exposed to hypoosmotic media, initially swell like more or less perfect osmometers but within minutes retain almost their original cell volume; this is called regulatory cell volume decrease (RVD). Most cell membrane is highly permeable to water, which follows any osmotic gradient. The cell accumulates a number of osmotically active substances such as amino acids and is forced to decrease intracellular (IC) electrolyte concentration to induce an osmotic counterbalance. Fluid balance is the concept of human homeostasis that the amount of fluid lost from the body is equal to the amount of fluid taken in. Euvolaemia is the state of normal body fluid volume. It is assumed that water has a constant relation to fat free mass. This is assumed to be 73.2% body weight. Oxytocin appears to inhibit rather than to stimulate ACTH release under certain conditions such as physical exercise. Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) can exert direct vasoconstrictor effects on arteriolar smooth muscle; resulting in increased total peripheral resistance, which helps raise arterial blood pressure independently of the slower restoration of body fluid volumes. Drinking too much water too quickly can induce water intoxication syndrome as a result of electrolyte imbalances in the body mainly hyponatraemia. Electrolytes are ions that cells use to move fluids and nerve messages into and out of cells. Water intoxication syndrome is extreme form of hyponatraemia that can induce coma and death. Untreated hyponatraemia can be fatal. A hypervolaemic state may develop in the form of hypotonic hyperhydration (hyponatraemia). Hypoosmolality results in cerebral and pulmonary oedema. Hypoosmolality induces injury to the brain and other cells of vital and nonvital organs. Hepatorenal syndrome is a functional oliguric renal failure, and low sodium concentration, without pathological renal changes, associated with cirrhosis and ascites or with obstructive jaundice. Circulating bilirubin may contribute to ARF by formation of renal tubular casts leading to tubular obstruction. Urea may weaken both hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions. Urea hydrogen bonds to itself and the protein in the absence of sufficient water. Acute Aluminium encephalopathy in a dialysis centre has been caused by a cement mortar water distribution pipe. Hard water syndrome and definite acute aluminium intoxication can be developed as a result of calcium and aluminium (Al) leaching from the cement mortar into the water used to prepare dialysate. Hard water syndrome is characterised by dialysis-related nausea and vomiting, weakness, and lethargy and is caused by hypercalcaemia caused by elevated Ca concentrations in the dialysate.

June, 2009

Articles by R.A.S Hemat

The information in this article has been excerpted from the following books:


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Clinical Orthomolecularism Classroom

Dr. R.A.S HEMAT declares no conflicts of interest or financial interests in any product or service mentioned in this article, including grants, employment, stock holdings, gifts, or honoraria.

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