

A scintillation counter may be used to detect minute amount of X-ray or g radiation.

CT was first described in 1973. The physics of CT scanning is complex. The X-ray tube moves through a circular field around the patient.

Nuclear magnectic resonance (NMR) has been used in chemistry since 1940, and used as MRI in mid 1970s.

Sound is a series of compressions and rarefactions of a medium.

Contrast media contains iodine, which absorb ionizing radiation due to its high molecular weight, iodine is administered as part of an organic chemical structure. Contrast media used for intravenous or retrograde urography are ionic monomers or dimers, or nonionic substances.

The concentration of contrast media in the primary urine is the same as in plasma. Because tubular water reabsorption, the concentration of contrast in the urine increases until the increasing osmolality prevents further reabsorption of water.

Standard images of IVU are

1-A plain film abdomen (KUB) in a supine position, covering the abdomen from symphysis to the upper pole of the kidney.

2-A filling film, ten minutes after injection, show the opacified urinary tract.

3-An upright image after micturation, 25 minutes following injection to demonstrate residual of urine and changes in urinary tract.

The goal of the radiological examination in obstructive uropathy is

1- to localize the obstruction, 2- to establish the etiology, 3- to assess the effect it has on the renal function.

The Ultrasound grading of hydronephrosis (HN) in neonates:

Grade 0
    No HN
Grade 1
    The renal pelvis only visualized
Grade 2
    Few but not all calices are identified in addition to the renal pelvis
Grade 3
    All calices are seen
Grade 4
    Same as 3 but, when compared with the normal side, the involved kidney has parenchymal thinning

Two well-defined fascial planes, the perirenal and the lateroconal fascia, demarcate the abdominal retroperitoneal space into three compartments: 1- the anterior pararenal space, 2- posterior pararenal space, 3- perinephric space.

Ultrasonography in urology was first applied to the kidneys and bladders in the 1950s.

TRUS aided therapies

1-placing radioactive iodine seeds.

2-transrectal ultrasound-guided laser-induced prostatectomy (TULIP).

3-cryotherapy of the prostate and high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).

February, 2001

Note: The information in this article has been excerpted from the following books: urotext-ebook simplifying urology, Principles of modern urology, by Dr. R.A.S HEMAT. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this document electronically as long as it is unmodified. This article may not be sold in any medium, including electronic, CD-ROM, or database, or published in print, without the explicit, written permission of Dr. R. A. S. Hemat.

Articles by R.A.S Hemat

Find more in Urotext, E. Book simplifying Urology.

Clinical Orthomolecularism Classroom

Dr. R.A.S HEMAT declares no conflicts of interest or financial interests in any product or service mentioned in this article, including grants, employment, stock holdings, gifts, or honoraria.

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