Today's software allows even beginners to design, invent, and publish good Web pages. Before buying any web developing software, consider who will host your Web page.

FTP refers to the technology used to transfer files from one computer to another (that will host their Web site) via the Internet.
The cheapest way to get the job done is with a simple text editor. Chances are, you already have one on your computer. Text editors are simpler, but they require that you know HTML.You will need additional software, including an FTP program, to complete the job.

Web site design programs can do everything for you, but they come with thick manuals and might require some heavy reading before you figure out how things work. Graphic artists who create images for the Web or for CD-ROM have different demands from those creating artwork solely for print. Web artists must understand elements of: art-composition, texture, form, shapes, text layout, font legibility, file formats, file compatibility, file-type limitations, color palettes, Web-browser compatibility, font availability, the depth of the color palette, and compression.

The GIF format is limited to 256 colors (8 bits). GIF files can have multiple embedded frames suitable for low-resolution animation. Areas within a GIF file can be transparent. It also separates the image from the background. There is no confusion between Mac and IBM compatible machines to read GIF. While it is JPG for IBM and JPEG for Mac.

Articles by R.A.S Hemat

Dr. R.A.S HEMAT declares no conflicts of interest or financial interests in any product or service mentioned in this article, including grants, employment, stock holdings, gifts, or honoraria.

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